dinsdag 12 september 2017

Closing galleries

Love is letting go

To love is to live
To live is to let go
Love is letting go

If we hold on too tight to the ones we love
The bond of love may not hold

Our souls need to be free
Need to breathe
To travel

We may meet each other in a train
In a city
On an island
And we mirror each other 
Till it's time
To move on

The sharing of love has its own time and space
The ones we love, we love for eternity
Because love is forever

So be grateful for all time spent with the ones you love
And be loving to all who spend their time with you

And live
And love
And let go

~ written by Zena Zemlja ~

An interesting journey 

I built my art business in Second Life over a period of ten years, representing several artists in this virtual reality who trusted me with their precious work. 
I founded the project of Legal Quality Art Galleries, trying to get residents of Second Life aware of copyright on online art. I think I may have given some people reason for thought, I know some of them closed their galleries, filled with illegally downloaded art, and others decided to only buy art from galleries that clearly showed their business being a legitimate one, crediting the original artists for their gorgeous work, selling it for a reasonable price that respected the art, and framing the work with sufficient pixels and respect for the aspect ratio of the artwork. 

After ten years of exhibiting work from other artists and selling their work on their behalf as their art agent in Second Life, I now will close that chapter of an online interesting adventure, and focus on my own poetry art. 


Two weeks ago the Histoire d'O Gallery closed its doors, and the day after tomorrow the Main Gallery will be closing as well. 

I will keep the Wiccan Gallery up and running, exhibiting my Witches Poetry Art and some of my Mystic Poetry Art. 


I'm not only retiring from being an art agent but also from being involved in online D/s roleplay. Hence I will no longer exhibit or sell my D/s poetry art. It has been an interesting adventure, but not one I want to continue any further in the online worlds. 


I want to thank the artists who trusted me with their precious work: Marcus Ranum, Francois Benveniste, Samuel Edelstein, Mickie Mueller, China Hamilton and Mick Payton. Today I sent a goodbye gift in group Body, Mind & Spirit, a box with an artwork of each of the artists. To those who are sad to see these online collections in Second Life go: please go visit their websites where you can find an opportunity to order their work for your First Life. 

Workshops and Advice 

I'm currently also taking a break from running my spiritual workshops. I may over time run them again or develop new ones. I am still available as a consultant for those who need advice about spirituality or (online) relationships. However, due to circumstances in my First Life, my focus has to be on my First Life. So you may not see me that much online these days. But I will still be around, to meet my friends, and as a poet, artist and art gallery owner of my Wiccan Art Gallery. 


The group Body, Mind & Spirit will continue to exist, where you will get updates on my future plans, and notices about events of Second Life friends in business. The Groups of Legal Quality Art will also be continued, giving art gallery owners and customers who stand up for legal art in Second Life, an opportunity to meet. The Kiosk Program for the groups will no longer continue. I found that galleries that met the standards often were selling the work of the art gallery owner, and those who would sell work of others just did not care to meet any of the standards. They would often just remove the art of the artists I represented and never minded about the other work they illegally sold. I simply have no energy anymore to make people aware of the importance of online copyright. Those who care often are already doing the right thing, those who don't care are simply not to be helped. 


I want to thank all of you, my customers, for your appreciation for the art in my galleries and for the way I ran my art business. I got a lot of messages of appreciation over the last ten years, which was a huge encouragement. Time now has come to focus on other projects that need my attention, especially in my First Life. Thank you all. I will see you around. 

May the blessings of the Goddess be with you, 
with each and everyone of you. 

) O ( 


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