woensdag 9 december 2015

Yule time at Art Galleries Body, Mind & Spirit

The artists of Art Galleries Body, Mind & Spirit 
wish you 
a wonderful and blessed Yule time!

There are Yule Gifts available at all three Art Galleries. 
You may want to collect them!


At the new Main Art Gallery Body, Mind & Spirit at Tropical Sunset Island, 
the Spiritual Miracle Poem by Zena Zemlja is waiting for you, 
illustrated with Sensual Mystic Photowork by Marcus Ranum 
in Green Yule Colors to warm your SL living room.


At the entrance of the Histoire d'O Art Gallery at Roissy-en-France, 
you'll find an Original Marcus Ranum with a hint what to wear this Yule season. 
Marcus thinks you should keep it simple!


There's an Original Mickie Mueller Yule Art Gift available at the Wiccan Art Gallery 
at Witches Island, picturing a lovely faerie feeding birds in the snow. 
This brings the Yule Spirit in your SL home for sure!


More Seasonal Art Gifts may be send in Art Group Body, Mind & Spirit.
Touch the boxes in the galleries or IM Zena Zemlja to get an invitation to group. 

Have a Blessed Yule Time!


Enjoy your art!

Zena Zemlja, 
Owner Art Galleries Body, Mind & Spirit, 
Founder of Legal Quality Art Galleries in Second Life. 

zondag 29 november 2015

Main Gallery re-opened!

The Main Art Gallery Body, Mind & Spirit has moved over to a new island called Tropical Sunset. It is located on a quarter part of that island.

Be welcome!

In the Main Gallery you find a selection of the collections of all the Body, Mind & Spirit artists: Mystical Art by Samuel Edelstein, Wiccan Art by Mickie Mueller, Erotic and BDSM Art by Marcus Ranum, Francois Beveniste, China Hamilton and Mick Payton.

The Mystical and Wiccan art is found on second floor, where  you also find a selection of the Mystical Poetry and Witches Poetry collection. The adult art is exhibited on first floor, including the D/s Poetry artworks.

All visitors are free to explore the environment around the gallery, where you can sit, relax and meditate, including Stonehenge which can be reached over the bridge next to the gallery. The other parts of the sim are private residential properties, please do respect their privacy, thank you.

There is a Yule / Xmas welcome gift available for every visitor. In the gallery you find several group gifts and picks gifts, right next to the entrance.

You may also want to visit the Histoire d'O Art Gallery at Roissy-en-France, for another selection of the adult art, and the Wiccan Art Gallery at Witches Island for another selection of the mystical and wiccan art. Welcome seasonal gifts are available at these both galleries as well.

Wishing you all a wonderful and blessed Yule time!

Zena Zemlja,
Owner Art Galleries Body, Mind & Spirit,
Founder of Legal Quality Art Galleries in Second Life.

dinsdag 28 juli 2015

Update Art Galleries

It was time to reorganize the galleries. Like in rl, a lot of businesses in SL have been closing because of the crisis that has hit us, yes, it also has hit the virtual worlds. My art business is so lucky to survive, but I had to size it down last few months.

So all galleries on the previous art sim, where each artist had one gallery of its own, are now combined into one big gallery: the Main Art Gallery Body, Mind & Spirit. You will find collections of each artist and those collections will be changing every few months.

Next to that I started uploading a selection of all collections to SL Marketplace. Currently up some erotic photography collections and a selection of the witches poetry. Be sure to login and have the maturity set to adult to see the erotic collections. More to come!

Currently up in the Main Art Gallery Body, Mind & Spirit inworld: the erotic and D/s photography by Marcus Ranum, Francois Benveniste, China Hamilton and Mick Payton.

Also up inworld in the Main Art Gallery: the mystical paintings by Samuel Edelstein and the wiccan art by Mickie Mueller.

Last but not least exhibited at the Main Gallery: a selection of the poetry by Zena Zemlja and Odilia Oldrich.

The Histoire d'O Art Gallery has moved from the old Roissy sim to the new Roissy-en-France sim. The full Story of O art collection of Marcus Ranum is still up, but will change over time into D/s collections of several Body, Mind & Spirit photographers.

The Wiccan Art Gallery is still up at Witches Island, where it is located since 2007, currently exhibiting the art of Mickie Mueller and Samuel Edelstein. The art collections in this gallery will change every few months too. You will be notified!

Enjoy your art!

Bright Blessings,

Zena Zemlja,
Owner Art Galleries Body, Mind & Spirit,
Founder of Legal Quality Art Galleries in Second Life.

vrijdag 13 februari 2015

Adult Furnished Homes for Rent

Welcome to Body, Mind & Spirit Properties!

You are renting a fully furnished home with high quality adult furniture in the living room, bedroom, bathroom and your own private playroom. Your home and most of the furniture is built with the newest mesh technology.

You are living on quiet peaceful lowlag homestead sim, renting a 6048 m2 parcel with the use of 346 prims. Next to the fully furnished home of 246 prims, this allows you 100 extra prims for own use.

You have the additional option for a little pond in your backyard and a fully flowered garden, which still will leave you with at least 50 prims for own use.

You will not really need the extra prims, since the home is completely furnished, with fully working lamps, a newspaper on table, and even towels and bathrobes in your bathroom.

You may want to save your prims for practical purposes like unpacking, and for allowing props to rezz when using the furniture.

Your home is decorated with erotic quality art in each room.

The art in the homes is sponsored by Art Galleries Body, Mind & Spirit, founder of Legal Quality Art Galleries in Second Life.

You are renting a home at a SIM with an appreciation for the famous novel Histoire d’O (Story of O) by Pauline Réage. Therefore you will find the fully equipped Story of O Pillars in your home.

The Story of O Pillars in the homes is sponsored by Domshop, your one stop shop for BDSM furniture.

You rent this fully furnished adult home for only 3000 L a month.

You have the option to pay 750 L a week (which would be 3215 L a month). So paying per month gives you a discount on the rent of 50 L a week (a total discount of 215 L a month).

Go here to see the rentals or buy the landmark at Marketplace.
(Login to Marketplace to see the rentals, they are set to adult content.)

Send a message (IM or notecard) to Zena Zemlja if you are interested in renting a home.

You will be granted the abilities to manage your parcel as a renter. You also will be added to the system to manage your home doors and windows.

There are only 4 of these new furnished homes for rent. Only two of them are currently available.

All four homes for rent are located at the East side of the big pond and bridges where the swans swim and are fed.

On the West side of the SIM the galleries of Body, Mind & Spirit are located, with mystical and erotic art.

Next to the galleries you find the Stonehenge classroom for art related spiritual and adult workshops, where unicorns meet, deers are fed, and birds sing you every day their happy song.

With any questions, contact Zena Zemlja or Odilia Oldrich, Body, Mind & Spirit Properties Managers.

maandag 26 januari 2015

New Art Sim re-opens next Sunday 1st of February

Mark your calenders:

Next Sunday 1st of February

Art Galleries Body, Mind & Spirit will re-open its doors! 

We celebrate from NOON till 2 PM SLT

With Music and Champagne! 

 DJ AKnightz spins the tunes!

Next to the renewed Body, Mind & Spirit Art Gallery

Both Gallerie Ohlala! and Pillar to Post Gallery will re-open as well.

 More info to come soon!